Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Life As a Welfare Brat

In Star Parker’s excerpt from “Pimps, Whores and Welfare Brats”, Parker opens up her story by talking about being on the Oprah Winfrey show. While on Oprah, she discussed the issue of welfare with two women, Linda and Dellamarie who felt that they were entitled to welfare. Parker attacks the two women and says other wise and that because they’re single mothers doesn’t mean that the government needs to give them aid in terms of finances. Parker “piggy-backs” off her appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show and goes on to talk about her experience on the welfare system in California.
            Parker lived a life of promiscuity in Los Angeles and was involved in drug abuse. Parker, who comes from a middle class family moved to Los Angeles and discovered a life of freedom and welfare. Even though it was instilled in her as a young child that welfare was  a “no-no”, Parker didn’t care and went on welfare after receiving the first of five abortions. Parker continues her story with various anecdotes from her drug abuse, the birth of her daughter, discovering God and finally getting off welfare. Parker decides to get off welfare after going to a sermon in which the Pastor quoted “God is your source” (Price 39). The four letters from Pastor Pierce’s sermon inspired Parker to change her life in order to change her daughter’s life for the better.
            I enjoyed this passage by Star Parker. I agreed with what she was saying about the two women who felt that welfare was an entitlement.  I believe that if a person is on welfare and they don’t have any physical or mental health disability, they should be out searching for jobs. The welfare program isn’t meant to be a comfortable style of living. It’s only there as momentary relief aid. The United States has a lot of issues going on right now with the oil spill, healthcare and global issues such as the earthquake in Haiti and human trafficking all over the world. Welfare although a big deal, helps a lot of Americans who don’t need it and that money could be used for other projects or forms of relief. I think as American citizens, we should be trying to better ourselves and help stimulate the economy instead of taking advantage of the government and the benefits that are actually meant for the needy.

Work Cited

Parker, Star. (Selected Chapters) Pimps, Whores, and Welfare Brats. New York: Pocket Books, 1997.  21.0ct.2010. Web.

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